

  • Picture of The Path to breaking Free from Addiction

The Path to breaking Free from Addiction

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan reveals here a detailed understanding of what addiction really is, how it is formed, what its base is, how to shift the base, etc. It fits a detailed understanding of how addiction is dangerous, a true understanding that will change one's view of addiction and one day free it.

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In this book, Dadashri has shown various ways to get rid of addiction. One of the solutions is a unique four-step approach, in which (1) make a firm determination that addiction is wrong, (2) collect the details of how it is wrong and keep it in awareness, (3) despite the decision, the number of times the addiction relapses. Let us retaliate and (4) not protect him if someone makes a mistake or insults him. For the person who has an addiction himself, he will get many keys from this book, but at the same time, if someone close to him has an addiction, Dadashri's understanding about how to deal with it will also give a new perspective. So that self-hatred does not remain and other person also gets a positive sign to get out of addiction.

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