  • Picture of Dada  + Niruma Documentary - English

Dada + Niruma Documentary - English

Buy spiritual DVD (Watch a documentary film) on Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan and Pujya Niruma. The documentary is based on their lives and how they worked for world salvation with utmost dedication and devotion.

Rs 5.00
Old Price: Rs 10.00


This spiritual DVD is based on life style of Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan and Pujya Niruma. It shows how they worked for world salvation with utmost dedication and devotion. This film leaves behind a unique impression in the mind for those wishing to experience self realization through spiritual methods with the grace of these Masters.

Dada Bhagwan had tremendous spiritual powers and he could awaken the soul just in two hours by the Self Realization ceremony, called Gnan Vidhi. By his divine grace showered upon Pujya Niruma she too gained spiritual energies to awaken the soul.

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